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How to apply for GRE Accommodations

Writer's picture: Shana GinsburgShana Ginsburg

Updated: Nov 7, 2022

Are you eligible to apply for GRE accommodations?

GRE accommodations are available for students whose cognitive functioning is impaired on test day as a result of learning, mental health, vision, or physical disabilities. 

Applying for accommodations can appear to be nerve-wracking, but we can help you get it done smoothly and without stress!

Accommodations for the GRE are approved by the Education Testing Services (ETS), which also administers other tests like the Praxis Exams for teacher certification, and the TOEFL exam for students whose primary language is not English.

The GRE can be used to apply for a number of different types of graduate schools, including law school.

This is from the ETS website:

"The Bulletin Supplement for Test Takers with Disabilities or Health-related Needs contains procedures and forms for requesting testing accommodations. The Supplement should be used in conjunction with the information in the GRE® Information Bulletin and registration form(s).

Note: All test takers requesting any accommodations must submit their requests and have their accommodations approved by ETS Disability Services before their test can be scheduled. 

Your request should be submitted as early as possible, especially if you are requesting an alternate test format.

Documentation review takes approximately six weeks once your request and complete paperwork have been received. If additional documentation must be submitted, it can be another six weeks from the time the new documentation is received until the review is complete.

Once you have been approved, ETS will send you an email providing instructions for registering for the GRE test. Please wait for your approval email before registering to test.

If you have a health-related need that requires you to bring equipment, beverages or snacks into the testing room, or to take extra or extended breaks, you must follow the accommodations request procedures in the Bulletin Supplement for Test Takers with Disabilities or Health-related Needs (PDF).

Bulletin and Bulletin Supplement

Note: Policies in the 2019–20 GRE® registration materials are in effect until June 30, 2020.
2019–20 GRE® Information Bulletin (PDF) — Contains information about GRE tests, policies and procedures for testing and GRE services and publications in effect from July 1, 2019, to June 30, 2020.
2019–20 GRE® Bulletin Supplement for Test Takers with Disabilities or Health-related Needs (PDF) — Contains information for test takers with disabilities and health-related needs about how to register for the GRE tests with accommodations.

Step-by-Step Guide to the Accommodations Request Form (Parts I - III)

The application process can seem daunting. You have to open the 2019-2020 GRE Bulletin Supplement for Test Takers with Disabilities or Health-Related Needs (PDF) and complete pages 14-40 depending on which Parts are applicable to your testing.

Part I: Applicant Information

The first page looks like this: 

On page 19, be sure to write your name exactly as it appears on your personal identification card and then sign at the bottom. No nicknames, or ETS will have you submit additional information to verify your identity:

Part II: Accommodation Requested

Part II begins on page 20 of the Bulletin.  Here, you need to check off what test you are taking, and indicate if/when you have already taken the exam.

This does not impact your chance of being approved for accommodations. You will not be penalized or have a more difficult time applying for accommodations because you've taken the test a few times without extra time.

In fact, the fact that you've already sat for the exam and struggle due to your disability is something to talk to your medical professional about.  This can be your doctor, nurse practitioner, licensed clinical social worker, psychiatrist, or psychologist. 

On pages 20 and 21, you will select the accommodations that you want to request. If you have vision impairments, consider the vision-based accommodations carefully, including options for paper-based testing, larger font, or a reader. 

For students with learning disabilities, anxiety, or another disability impacting your cognitive functioning, consider carefully the amount of time you need to manage your symptoms (and regain focus), as well as the possible materials, medications or aides you will need. 

As an example, one student with anxiety, ADHD and a history of migraines requested the following accommodations in the "other" space at the bottom of page 21:

Part III: Certification of Eligibility

In Part III, you will need documentation to support and certify your accommodations request. 

You can meet with your doctor and submit a treatment note that indicates you have discussed your test-day challenges with your doctor and have determined the set of accommodations that would be appropriate to manage any functional limitations (define this) on test day. 

However, if you received testing accommodations in college, your Disability Service Office is also able support your request.

Contact your Office of Disability Services and ask them to sign off on your paperwork to acknowledge that you qualified for and received the same accommodations in college that you are now requesting for the GRE.  You will use this form to do so:

That individual will also complete the Certification of Eligibility Form, which looks like this:

How to submit a request

Send all completed forms and documentation via one of the following methods:

Online: You can apply for accommodations, view approved accommodations, and view test appointments online in your ETS Account.

To apply for accommodations and view approved accommodations, log into your ETS Account, click on "GRE Accommodation Status/New Request" under the "Test Takers with Disabilities or Health-Related Needs" section on the main home page and follow the instructions.

Mail: ETS Disability Services P.O. Box 6054 Princeton, NJ 08541-6054

Courier Service: ETS Disability Services, 225 Phillips Boulevard, Ewing, NJ 08628-1426 USA

Need help applying for accommodations? Schedule a free consultation with our accommodations team today or call us toll-free a 1-240-630-1425.



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