Do you know how to explain to a law school why it's right for you? To do this, I recommend looking beyond the data (rankings, bar passage rates and employment outcomes) and at the real human experience of it all! It’s good to find at least a few school-specific reasons to invest at least three years and potentially thousands of dollars somewhere. Here's our list of the eight reasons to apply to a school, beyond the rankings and data-driven numbers. It's the same eight areas you can research when preparing the "Why Us?" information that your law school will likely ask you:

The first seven reasons on this list can be discovered by looking at the school’s website, taking a deep dive into their journals, and exploring course curricula.
But when all that is said and done, you’re accepted, and you still don’t know how to choose between two schools, take a trip and see it for yourself! One of our clients for hopping on a plane to St. Louis to help her make her Washington University School of Law versus Georgetown University Law Center decision!
Even if city demographics are the same, a small town friendly vibe might better suit you than a fast-moving metropolitan city life.
Choose wisely, and if you need assistance, request a free consult here.
You can also get personal statement development ideas by purchasing my e-book, How to Write a Unique Personal Statement, at our website shop.